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Monday, 6 November 2017

Living high

About 95 percent people in Upper Silesia live in blocks of flats.Of cpurse better to live in a house but houses , are much more expensive and iland here is very limited and houses cost a lot of money.


  1. I do understand the reasons, but am glad to live in a house.

  2. I spent a good part of my childhood in a 16th floor apartment in NY. I don't know if it's necessarily better to live in a house.

  3. After having visited Hong Kong, I know what it means to live in small flats. I appreciate my own house, even though it is a small one.

  4. Sometimes i would like an apartment, no need to maintain a yard. Would i miss the privacy of a house is my question.

  5. Are these blocks from the Soviet era? We've lived in condos but never in buildings as large as these. Interesting photo!

  6. We see these buildings in our travels and think about how people can live there. Someday when we can't take care of a home we will have to but I don't like to think about it. I hope there is a park nearby so the occupants can spend some time in nature.

  7. I see many countries where people live in those types of buildings but here where I live most people live in a house that is not attached to anything only the land it sits on. We have fences on 3 sides and there is a decent distance to our neighbours.

  8. High density living is necessary in some places

  9. Interesting perception on living there and about the land limit! Nice blocks of houses
