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Saturday, 26 April 2014


26th April 2014

The fortess built in 1498-1499 as the of the city  Northern outpost of the city fortifications, is an example of the highest standard of the art of defence It has a diameter 24.4 and its walls are more than 3 metres thick.

 The bastion has 130 firing position situated on four levels. The openings in the lower part were used by artillery.Fire was directed from the seven turrets protruding over the roof.

The Gothic structure was surrounded by a moat 3.4 metres wide.
 A long neck linked the Barbican  with the Florianska Gate, serving as the outpost defence.

In the second half of the 19th century August Essenwein a German researcher was the first to use the term "die Barbakane" - Barbican.
Throughout the centuries , the Cracow Barbican was also a Porta Gloriae, the Gate of Glory. Processions passed through its gate on royal processions and during visits of papal legats, foreign envoys and military leaders. It was the route of victorius armies, but also the funaral processions of kings , queens and national heroes.

The Barbican - a fortress during the wars, the Gate of Glory in times of peace.


  1. That's a truly magnificent looking building and steeped in history too.
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  2. That is an amazing building. They sure didn't want anyone to come in way back.

  3. It certainly was well fortified. Is it a museum inside?

    1. Cynthia, in Barbican there is a city museum now.
