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Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Bytom

1st July 2014

Jews played an important role in the economy and culture of Bytom from the eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century, but the earliest mention of their presence in the city comes from the first half of the fourteenth century. In the middle of the eighteenth century, they got some land from Count Henckel von Donnersmarck, owner of the State Country of Bytom, and they were granted the right to establish a cemetery on the city embankments.

 At the end of the nineteenth century, the graveyard was already too small for the Jewish community, and in 1860, a new cemetery was established at Piekarska Street. At the end of the nineteenth century, the last burial took place took place in the old cemetery. 

In 1960s, the cemetery was destroyed, and the gravestones were removed.


  1. That is very interesting, and I wonder why the gravestones were removed!

    1. Gravestones were removed by huge cranes. But it was not right decision because it is history of our local community

  2. Interesting and I enjoyed the photos, too.
