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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Vineyard interesting place.

23 rd September

At my place where I have my summer house there is a vineyard Wiarus. It is not very big and it is located about metres fro my home. It is very small vineyard but I have read in the local newspaper it produce a good quality wine. The wine got the first prize in the Subcarpathian Region.



  1. so glad when a small operation can do so well!

  2. I hope I have some grapes left when I get home. They never make it to wine - I just eat them.
    Gosia, I am staying in a Polish immigrant neighborhood in South Ealing. There are Polish grocery stores and other businesses and a restaurant which I think I might try before I leave. There are also many people speaking Polish. So I think of you!

    1. My parents have grapes but they live in different part of my country. So I don't visit them often. So try some Polish cuisine is very tasty. Have a nice time. Hugs. Gosia

  3. Wow! I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't a Subcarpathian wine!

    1. Mitchell, I didn't try it , too. But I will try.

  4. We have so wineries in the Hill Country and many of them are very large. However, there are a few that have a small vineyard and feature wine tastings. Some raise grapes to mix with grapes from other vineyards to create interesting flavors. But good for these folks who won the prize. Nothing like a really good wine with a meal.

  5. That's a lovely vineyard!

  6. Those grapevines certainly look well cared for, happy, and healthy!

  7. Yes, do try some and let us know what you think.

  8. Looks a nice veiny ward. There are many of those in Tasmania and they do extremely well. Other states in Australia grow good grapes and make lovely wine too...
