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Saturday, 26 September 2015

Hens near my summer house

26th September 2015

I love nature and animals very much but living in the big city you can have only a pet. So we have a dog . It is my daughter's dog but we walk him too. But I think I would like to have a small farm like my ancestors had. I know farming is a hard and demanding job but you live close to nature and have possibility to observe animals, trees and flowers. Living in the big conurbation means concrete buildings and only shorts walks in the park.
At my summers place farmer are scare but some people grow hens to have healthy ecological eggs. Great idea. One neighbour who lives about 300 metres from my house has hens and I love admiring them when I walk dog.. They are lovely birds..

The cock is white and noisy in the morning..

Have a nice Sunday!!!


  1. Good to see that your neighbour knows how to look after chooks (poultry)
    properly - plenty of space to scratch about, cover from the sun ( trees).
    Unless this neighbour breeds his/her own chickens you don't need a noisy rooster.

    I have actually met some city slicker hobby farm owners - not a bloody clue about
    animals who told me that you need a rooster with hens to make the eggs come out!!
    Now beat that for stupidity!!!! ha ha

    1. Colin I think it is a nice idea to grow chickens in a small town.

    2. Here in Brisbane if you have a large enough yard and the neighbours don't object and you manage to get council approval you can raise up to 6 hens for fresh eggs. No ROOSTERS are permitted - too noisy.
      Good downfall of rain this afternoon - excellent amount for gardens and lawns.
      Lasted about 20-30 minutes.

    3. In Poland if you live in a big conurbation if you have large yard also it is possible but if the neighbors don'r object. But people don't keep hens here . If you wany you can have a rooster too..

  2. we hear the neighbors roosters and donkeys and cows a lot. :)

  3. Fresh farm-grown eggs beat store-bought eggs any day! I wonder if their chickens have names. My sisters have all of our chickens named.

    1. Bethany I totally agree with you farm -eggs are the best

  4. You have the best of two worlds as one in the country, the other in the city.
    Farm eggs, the yolk is always yellower.
    I have lived on a farm, loved it. Maybe oneday you might get the opportunity too...i recall you have stayed at a farm but that's different..

    1. Margaret I think you are right. I believe that when I retire I move to my summer house but it is a long time .. I have to work over 20 years..

  5. It is nice to watch hens pecking about and whatever else they do.

    1. Andrew I love hens and touching them especially black ones

  6. I grew up with mom rearing pigs, ducks, chickens in our village house with a big compound and I had a dog and a cat as pets. I reared chickens on a small scale with the help of my father in law but after he is gone, I no longer rear any.

  7. I loved living NEAR farms some years back. Jerry (from a farming family) always fantasised about having a "gentleman's farm" -- not to live off of but just to enjoy.
