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Saturday 28 November 2015

Pizza Hut I love it.

28th November 2015

I know eating healthy food is important but sometimes I love eating fast food. I love eating pizza but I am short of time to make it at home. So I buy it at the supermarket or more often got to the Piza Hut one of my favoutite restaurants in Katowice.

The old house lately has been renovated . It dates back 19th century.

In the background Pizza Hut..It is located in the city centre.

The word "pizza" was first documented in 997 AD in Gaeta, Italy, and successively in different parts of Central and Southern Italy. The precursor of pizzawas probably the focaccia, a flat bread known to the Romans as "panis focacius",to which toppings were then added.( from Wikipedia).

Do you like pizza. ? In the old pizza which come from Italy was the main meal of the poor. Now it is tasty for almost everyone.


  1. There aren't many Pizza Huts left in Australia. They used to be very popular. Pizza is always good.

  2. Wish I could sit down there and share a big pizza with you, Gosia.

  3. Oh, my goodness! It looks exactly like the Pizza Hut in my little town in Minnesota!

    1. Cynthia it seems the civilised country are the same

  4. I like pizza and go to Pizza Hut, but not often like you said. Wow, those buildings are old!

  5. We have a Pizza Hut, one only left...
    Not a great lover of Pizza, but i will eat it if nothing else to choose from...

    1. Margaret I don't eat so often and I prefer to Turkish kebab

  6. We have a few places selling pizza to choose from. I only eat once in a while. I love pizza with plenty of cheese. Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. Nancy my favourite pizaa is with cheese, mushrooms and ham
