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Monday, 15 February 2016

Chopin - Spring Waltz

16th February 2016

My favourite composer and his lovely Waltz

Have a peaceful evening.


  1. At 7.00 am on Tuesday morning here, what better than to listen to Chopin's music? Magnificent.
    Thanks for the replies on Katowice and the history.
    I loved history as a schoolboy and did the honours class
    in my final year. Poland's history as I have previously commented on is brilliantly covered in Michener's book of 800 plus pages.
    Certainly a country or land area that has had many foreign rulers over the centuries from probably best reported from the period of Catherine the Great of Russian until the downfall of the Soviet Empire. That is a big period!
    Give some people an unmarked map of Europe and ask them to pinpoint the whereabouts of Poland and you may find fingers
    pointing at Finland or Romania or Greece and maybe even Spain - ha ha.
    Lovely sunny day here - no February heatwave this year!
    Cheers and enjoy your holiday period.

    1. Catherine the Great of RUSSIA.

    2. I think you are better educated at Polish history than some students

  2. Good composer, this piece is lovely.

  3. Don't you mean GREAT, Margaret.
    One of the best ever.
    Are you aware that when Warsaw was about to change hands in WW2 with the treachery of Adolf and Joe, that Warsaw radio played Chopin's music until it was bombed out of existence.
    A sad time for Poland and an even sadder time of history for the Polish people.
    And for the record of disgust - not one bomb was ever dropped on the transport rail lines to Austwitz???
    Rail lines clearly visible to pilots.
    The Polish Government in exile in London, the Polish Underground, the Jewish organisation, even at risk disgusted officers of the Wehrmacht let the Allies know- Winston, Franklin and Joe, of these lines out in the open - and not ONE bomb was ever dropped. Why?????????????????????????
    Hang your heads in shame at this outrage.

    1. Spelling error - "rail lines to Auschwitz".

    2. Colin I admire your history knowledge. You are a fantastic historian.
