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Saturday 15 March 2014

The Palm House

16 th March March 2014 Sunday

Today we are going to visit Palm House in Gliwice, I hope so we will have a great time there. I love Gliwice it's the most beautiful city in Silesia. It is as city as mine and it's about 20 km from my hometown.

The market square is one of the largest in Upper Silesia, with town hall dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries ( rebuilt in 19th century).

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Market Square in Gliwice

The Palm House was made public and had already become a popular and widely marketed tourist attraction by the 1930s. The complex featured a 120 cubic metre heated pool – the first in Silesia – and was filled with water lilies, a high water mark for exotica at the time. A zoo was also added, featuring cold-blooded reptiles like alligators and anacondas, as well as red-bottomed baboons.

The Palm House

 Gliwice – 'the yellow rose of Silesia' as we like to call it – is also the greenest city in an area famous for being about as lovely as a lump of coal. 


  1. It seems funny to see cactus growing there.

  2. Andrew, I believe we grow them for educational purposes and for fun . There aren't many palm houses here probanly six or seven so it's interesting.

  3. It is beautiful - what a lovely idea

  4. Thank you for sharing such nice photos.

    1. Have a nice week. I will visit your blog soon because I love it it's so interesting to me.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment :)
    I like your photos, they are lovely and we get to see your part of the world.
